Tag Archives: divorce

Study: Divorce harder on children than a parent’s death, shortens children’s own lives

The end of a marriage, for whatever reason, has a devastating effect on families. Not only do husbands and wives have to navigate their way through changes in finances, living situations and emotional stress, but those couples divorcing with children must take the well-being of their little ones into consideration as well.

Now a new report based on a decades-long study has found that children who experienced a divorce die on average five years earlier than those from homes where the parents stayed together.

Read entire article here.


Filed under Marriage, Parental Rights

The Failure of Feminism

Thanks to Thinking the Wright Way for bringing this article to my attention.  The women’s liberation movement began in order to give women the ability to independently participate in society and be fully appreciated for their feminine characteristics.  Somewhere, this movement was hijacked by those who would have women believe that their own feminine characteristics were the problem and that freedom of the sex would be accomplished by them becoming more like men.  Women were told that they needed to stop being mothers and instead work and be more sexually promiscuous like the men.  Men, in turn, were told that their masculinity was oppressive, chivalry was inappropriate and fatherhood unnecessary.

How did we ever get to the point where we teach women that noncommittal  sexuality is liberating and should be encouraged, but having a child is shackling and should be aborted?  I know this is not what those pioneers of feminism had in mind back then.  It is the very opposite of what they considered women’s liberation!

“When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit.”
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) Organizer of the first women’s rights convention in the United States; leader in the anti-slavery and women’s suffrage movements

“Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.”
Alice Paul, author of the original Equal Rights Amendment (1923) who opposed the later trend of linking the E.R.A. with abortion rights

Read the article below:

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Filed under Abortion, Feminism, Teen Sexuality

Study: Sexually Active Now, Failed Marriage Later

New research shows that sleeping around while single could ruin your chances of having a happy, fulfilling marriage later.   Dr. Joe McIlhaney of the Medical Institute for Sexual Health in Austin on CBN

Research using brain scans now shows powerful chemicals are released during sex that should create a powerful, everlasting bond. 
“When women are skin-to-skin with a man, their brain secretes oxytocin that causes them to bond emotionally to that man. Men secrete a hormone called vasopressin when they’re having that kind of intimate behavior. And that hormone has even been called ‘monogamy hormone’ for men. And it bonds them to the woman,” McIlhaney explained. 

This oxytocin is so overwhelming in a woman’s brain that just a 20-second hug can cause a female to become bonded to a male. Continue reading


Filed under Marriage, Pornography, Teen Sexuality